Title: | Analysis of Differential Behaviour of SPARRA Score Across Demographic Groups |
Description: | The SPARRA risk score (Scottish Patients At Risk of admission and Re-Admission) estimates yearly risk of emergency hospital admission using electronic health records on a monthly basis for most of the Scottish population. This package implements a suite of functions used to analyse the behaviour and performance of the score, focusing particularly on differential performance over demographically-defined groups. It includes useful utility functions to plot receiver-operator-characteristic, precision-recall and calibration curves, draw stock human figures, estimate counterfactual quantities without the need to re-compute risk scores, to simulate a semi-realistic dataset. |
Authors: | Ioanna Thoma [aut] |
Maintainer: | James Liley <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
Version: | |
Built: | 2025-03-08 02:45:03 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/SPARRAfairness |
ab() Shorthand to draw a red x-y line
... |
passed to abline() |
No return value, draws a figure
Estimates false discovery rate P(target=FALSE|score>cutoff,group=g) 'adjusted' for some category.
adjusted_fdr( scores, target, category, group1, group2, cutoffs = seq(min(scores, na.rm = TRUE), max(scores, na.rm = TRUE), length = 100), nboot = 100 )
adjusted_fdr( scores, target, category, group1, group2, cutoffs = seq(min(scores, na.rm = TRUE), max(scores, na.rm = TRUE), length = 100), nboot = 100 )
scores |
vector of risk scores |
target |
vector of values of target (which risk score aims to predict) |
category |
vector of categories |
group1 |
indices of group 1 |
group2 |
indices of group 2 |
cutoffs |
score cutoffs at which to estimate metric (default 100 evenly-spaced) |
nboot |
number of bootstrap samples for standard error |
Namely, calculates
sum ( P(target=FALSE|score>cutoff,category=c,group=g)P(category=c|score<cutoff) )
where the sum is over categories c.
matrix of dimension length(cutoffs)x4, with (i,2g-1)th entry the relevant fairness metric for group g at the ith cutoff value and (i,2g)th entry the approximate standard error of the (i,2g-1)th entry
# See vignette
# See vignette
Estimates false omission rate P(target=TRUE|score<=cutoff,group=g) 'adjusted' for some category.
adjusted_for( scores, target, category, group1, group2, cutoffs = seq(min(scores, na.rm = TRUE), max(scores, na.rm = TRUE), length = 100), nboot = 100 )
adjusted_for( scores, target, category, group1, group2, cutoffs = seq(min(scores, na.rm = TRUE), max(scores, na.rm = TRUE), length = 100), nboot = 100 )
scores |
vector of risk scores |
target |
vector of values of target (which risk score aims to predict) |
category |
vector of categories |
group1 |
indices of group 1 |
group2 |
indices of group 2 |
cutoffs |
score cutoffs at which to estimate metric (default 100 evenly-spaced) |
nboot |
number of bootstrap samples for standard error |
Namely, calculates
sum ( P(target=TRUE|score<=cutoff,category=c,group=g)P(category=c|score<cutoff) )
where the sum is over categories c.
matrix of dimension length(cutoffs)x4, with (i,2g-1)th entry the relevant fairness metric for group g at the ith cutoff value and (i,2g)th entry the approximate standard error of the (i,2g-1)th entry
# See vignette
# See vignette
This object contains all data from analysis of fairness measures in SPARRA v3 and v4.
An object of class list
of length 1261.
build_diff Prepares a data frame for a ggplot object to compare differences using linear interpolation.
build_diff(df, xvar)
build_diff(df, xvar)
df |
data frame |
xvar |
name of variable to consider as 'x': interpolate over evenly spaced values of this variable. |
data frame using (common) interpolated x values rather than arbitrary x values
# Only used internally
# Only used internally
cal_2panel Draws calibration curves (with legend) with a second panel underneath showing predicted differences.
cal_2panel( cals, labels, col = 1:length(cals), xy_col = phs_colours("phs-magenta"), ci_col = col, highlight = NULL, yrange_lower = NULL, legend_title = "" )
cal_2panel( cals, labels, col = 1:length(cals), xy_col = phs_colours("phs-magenta"), ci_col = col, highlight = NULL, yrange_lower = NULL, legend_title = "" )
cals |
list of calibration objects, output from getcal(). |
labels |
labels to use in legend |
col |
line colours |
xy_col |
line colour for x-y line, defaults to phs-magenta |
ci_col |
colours to draw confidence intervals on lower panel; NA to not draw. |
highlight |
if non-null, highlight a particular value |
yrange_lower |
y range for lower plot. If NULL, generates automatically |
legend_title |
title for legend, defaults to nothing |
Silently return ggplot object
# See vignette
# See vignette
Estimation of counterfactual quantities by resampling.
counterfactual_yhat(dat, X, x = NULL, G, g, gdash, excl = NULL, n = NULL)
counterfactual_yhat(dat, X, x = NULL, G, g, gdash, excl = NULL, n = NULL)
dat |
data frame containing variables in X, Yhat, G, excl. Variables in U are assumed to be colnames(dat)\(X U Yhat U G U excl) |
X |
set of variables and values on which to 'condition'; essentially we assume that any causal pathway from G to Yhat is through X |
x |
values of variables X on which to condition; can be null in which case we use marginal distribution of X |
G |
grouping variable, usually a sensitive attribute |
g |
conditioned value of g |
gdash |
counterfactual value of g |
excl |
variable names to exclude from U |
n |
number of samples; if NULL return all |
Counterfactual fairness is with respect to the causal graph:
G <———-U | / | | / | | / | VV V X ——–> Yhat
G=group (usually sensitive attribute);
X=set of variables through which G can act on Yhat,
U=set of background variables;
We want the counterfactual (or alternatively
), using the term
as it appears in
the function, rather than
This can be interpreted as:
the distribution of values of Yhat amongst indivdiduals whose values of U are distributed as though they were in group \eqn{G=g} (and, optionally, had values \eqn{X=x}, but whose value of \eqn{G} is \eqn{g'}
Essentially, comparison of the counterfactual quantity above to the
conditional isolates the difference in Yhat due to the effect of
G on Yhat through X, removing any effect due to different distributions of
U due to different values of G.
To estimate , we need to
Compute the distribution as
To estimate , we need to
Compute the distribution as
This function approximates this samplying procedure as follows
Look at individuals with (and optionally
Find the values of for these individuals
Find a second set of individuals with the same values of but for whom
Return the indices of these individuals
The values of Yhat for these individuals constitute a sample from the desired counterfactual.
indices representing sample(s) from counterfactual Yhat(g' <- G) |X=x,G=g
set.seed(23173) N=10000 # Background variables sampler background_U=function(n) runif(n) # U~U(0,1) # Structural equations struct_G=function(u,n) rbinom(n,1,prob=u) # G|U=u ~ Bern(u) struct_X=function(u,g,n) rbinom(n,1,prob=u*(0.5 + 0.5*g)) # X|U=u,G=g ~ Bern(u(1+g)/2) struct_Yhat=function(u,x,n) (runif(n,0,x) + runif(n,0,u))/2 # Yhat|X,N ~ (U(0,X) + U(0,U))/2 # To see that the counterfactual 'isolates' the difference in Yhat due to the # causal pathway from G to Yhat through X, change the definition of struct_G to # # struct_G=function(u,n) rbinom(n,1,prob=1/2) # G|U=u ~ Bern(1/2) # # so the posterior of U|G=g does not depend on g. Note that, with this definition, the # counterfactual Yhat{G<-1}|G=1 coincides with the conditional Yhat|G=0, since # the counterfactual G<-1 is equivalent to just conditioning on G=1. # # By contrast, if we change struct_G back to its original definition, but # change the definition of struct_Yhat to # # struct_Yhat=function(u,x,n) (runif(n,0,1) + runif(n,0,u))/2 # Yhat|X,N ~ (U(0,1) + U(0,U))/2 # # so Yhat depends on G only through the change in posterior of U from changing g, # the counterfactual Yhat{G<01}|G=1 coincides with the conditional Yhat|G=1. # Sample from complete causal model U=background_U(N) G=struct_G(U,N) X=struct_X(U,G,N) Yhat=struct_Yhat(U,X,N) dat=data.frame(U,G,X,Yhat) # True counterfactual Yhat{G <- 0}|G=1 w1=which(dat$G==1) n1=length(w1) UG1=dat$U[w1] # This is U|G=1 XG1=struct_X(UG1,rep(0,n1),n1) YhatG1=struct_Yhat(UG1,XG1,n1) # Estimated counterfactual Yhat{G <- 0}|G=1 ind_G1=counterfactual_yhat(dat,X="X",G="G",g = 1, gdash = 0) YhatG1_resample=dat$Yhat[ind_G1] # True counterfactual Yhat{G <- 0}|G=1,X=1 w11=which(dat$G==1 & dat$X==1) n11=length(w11) UG1X1=dat$U[w11] # This is U|G=1,X=1 XG1X1=struct_X(UG1X1,rep(0,n11),n11) YhatG1X1=struct_Yhat(UG1X1,XG1X1,n11) # Estimated counterfactual Yhat{G <- 0}|G=1 ind_G1X1=counterfactual_yhat(dat,X="X",G="G",g = 1, gdash = 0,x=1) YhatG1X1_resample=dat$Yhat[ind_G1X1] # Compare CDFs x=seq(0,1,length=1000) oldpar = par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(0,type="n",xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),xlab="Value", ylab=expression(paste("Prop. ",hat('Y')," < x"))) lines(x,ecdf(dat$Yhat)(x),col="black") # Unconditional CDF of Yhat lines(x,ecdf(dat$Yhat[which(dat$G==1)])(x),col="red") # Yhat|G=1 lines(x,ecdf(dat$Yhat[which(dat$G==0)])(x),col="blue") # Yhat|G=0 # True counterfactual Yhat{G <- 0}|G=1 lines(x,ecdf(YhatG1)(x),col="blue",lty=2) # Estimated counterfactual Yhat{G <- 0}|G=1 lines(x,ecdf(YhatG1_resample)(x),col="blue",lty=3) legend("bottomright", c(expression(paste(hat('Y'))), expression(paste(hat('Y'),"|G=1")), expression(paste(hat('Y'),"|G=0")), expression(paste(hat(Y)[G %<-% 0],"|G=1 (true)")), expression(paste(hat(Y)[G %<-% 0],"|G=1 (est.)"))), col=c("black","red","blue","blue","blue"), lty=c(1,1,1,2,3), cex=0.5) plot(0,type="n",xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),xlab="Value", ylab=expression(paste("Prop. ",hat('Y')," < x"))) lines(x,ecdf(dat$Yhat[which(dat$X==1)])(x),col="black") # CDF of Yhat|X=1 lines(x,ecdf(dat$Yhat[which(dat$G==1 & dat$X==1)])(x),col="red") # Yhat|G=1,X=1 lines(x,ecdf(dat$Yhat[which(dat$G==0 & dat$X==1)])(x),col="blue") # Yhat|G=0,X=1 # True counterfactual Yhat{G <- 0}|G=1,X=1 lines(x,ecdf(YhatG1X1)(x),col="blue",lty=2) # Estimated counterfactual Yhat{G <- 0}|G=1,X=1 lines(x,ecdf(YhatG1X1_resample)(x),col="blue",lty=3) legend("bottomright", c(expression(paste(hat('Y|X=1'))), expression(paste(hat('Y'),"|G=1,X=1")), expression(paste(hat('Y'),"|G=0,X=1")), expression(paste(hat(Y)[G %<-% 0],"|G=1,X=1 (true)")), expression(paste(hat(Y)[G %<-% 0],"|G=1,X=1 (est.)"))), col=c("black","red","blue","blue","blue"), lty=c(1,1,1,2,3), cex=0.5) # In both plots, the estimated counterfactual CDF closely matches the CDF of the # true counterfactual. # Restore parameters par(oldpar)
set.seed(23173) N=10000 # Background variables sampler background_U=function(n) runif(n) # U~U(0,1) # Structural equations struct_G=function(u,n) rbinom(n,1,prob=u) # G|U=u ~ Bern(u) struct_X=function(u,g,n) rbinom(n,1,prob=u*(0.5 + 0.5*g)) # X|U=u,G=g ~ Bern(u(1+g)/2) struct_Yhat=function(u,x,n) (runif(n,0,x) + runif(n,0,u))/2 # Yhat|X,N ~ (U(0,X) + U(0,U))/2 # To see that the counterfactual 'isolates' the difference in Yhat due to the # causal pathway from G to Yhat through X, change the definition of struct_G to # # struct_G=function(u,n) rbinom(n,1,prob=1/2) # G|U=u ~ Bern(1/2) # # so the posterior of U|G=g does not depend on g. Note that, with this definition, the # counterfactual Yhat{G<-1}|G=1 coincides with the conditional Yhat|G=0, since # the counterfactual G<-1 is equivalent to just conditioning on G=1. # # By contrast, if we change struct_G back to its original definition, but # change the definition of struct_Yhat to # # struct_Yhat=function(u,x,n) (runif(n,0,1) + runif(n,0,u))/2 # Yhat|X,N ~ (U(0,1) + U(0,U))/2 # # so Yhat depends on G only through the change in posterior of U from changing g, # the counterfactual Yhat{G<01}|G=1 coincides with the conditional Yhat|G=1. # Sample from complete causal model U=background_U(N) G=struct_G(U,N) X=struct_X(U,G,N) Yhat=struct_Yhat(U,X,N) dat=data.frame(U,G,X,Yhat) # True counterfactual Yhat{G <- 0}|G=1 w1=which(dat$G==1) n1=length(w1) UG1=dat$U[w1] # This is U|G=1 XG1=struct_X(UG1,rep(0,n1),n1) YhatG1=struct_Yhat(UG1,XG1,n1) # Estimated counterfactual Yhat{G <- 0}|G=1 ind_G1=counterfactual_yhat(dat,X="X",G="G",g = 1, gdash = 0) YhatG1_resample=dat$Yhat[ind_G1] # True counterfactual Yhat{G <- 0}|G=1,X=1 w11=which(dat$G==1 & dat$X==1) n11=length(w11) UG1X1=dat$U[w11] # This is U|G=1,X=1 XG1X1=struct_X(UG1X1,rep(0,n11),n11) YhatG1X1=struct_Yhat(UG1X1,XG1X1,n11) # Estimated counterfactual Yhat{G <- 0}|G=1 ind_G1X1=counterfactual_yhat(dat,X="X",G="G",g = 1, gdash = 0,x=1) YhatG1X1_resample=dat$Yhat[ind_G1X1] # Compare CDFs x=seq(0,1,length=1000) oldpar = par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(0,type="n",xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),xlab="Value", ylab=expression(paste("Prop. ",hat('Y')," < x"))) lines(x,ecdf(dat$Yhat)(x),col="black") # Unconditional CDF of Yhat lines(x,ecdf(dat$Yhat[which(dat$G==1)])(x),col="red") # Yhat|G=1 lines(x,ecdf(dat$Yhat[which(dat$G==0)])(x),col="blue") # Yhat|G=0 # True counterfactual Yhat{G <- 0}|G=1 lines(x,ecdf(YhatG1)(x),col="blue",lty=2) # Estimated counterfactual Yhat{G <- 0}|G=1 lines(x,ecdf(YhatG1_resample)(x),col="blue",lty=3) legend("bottomright", c(expression(paste(hat('Y'))), expression(paste(hat('Y'),"|G=1")), expression(paste(hat('Y'),"|G=0")), expression(paste(hat(Y)[G %<-% 0],"|G=1 (true)")), expression(paste(hat(Y)[G %<-% 0],"|G=1 (est.)"))), col=c("black","red","blue","blue","blue"), lty=c(1,1,1,2,3), cex=0.5) plot(0,type="n",xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),xlab="Value", ylab=expression(paste("Prop. ",hat('Y')," < x"))) lines(x,ecdf(dat$Yhat[which(dat$X==1)])(x),col="black") # CDF of Yhat|X=1 lines(x,ecdf(dat$Yhat[which(dat$G==1 & dat$X==1)])(x),col="red") # Yhat|G=1,X=1 lines(x,ecdf(dat$Yhat[which(dat$G==0 & dat$X==1)])(x),col="blue") # Yhat|G=0,X=1 # True counterfactual Yhat{G <- 0}|G=1,X=1 lines(x,ecdf(YhatG1X1)(x),col="blue",lty=2) # Estimated counterfactual Yhat{G <- 0}|G=1,X=1 lines(x,ecdf(YhatG1X1_resample)(x),col="blue",lty=3) legend("bottomright", c(expression(paste(hat('Y|X=1'))), expression(paste(hat('Y'),"|G=1,X=1")), expression(paste(hat('Y'),"|G=0,X=1")), expression(paste(hat(Y)[G %<-% 0],"|G=1,X=1 (true)")), expression(paste(hat(Y)[G %<-% 0],"|G=1,X=1 (est.)"))), col=c("black","red","blue","blue","blue"), lty=c(1,1,1,2,3), cex=0.5) # In both plots, the estimated counterfactual CDF closely matches the CDF of the # true counterfactual. # Restore parameters par(oldpar)
Generates matrices for decomposition of admission type which can be used in plot_decomp
dat2mat(dat, score, group1, group2, nquant = 20, cats = unique(dat$reason))
dat2mat(dat, score, group1, group2, nquant = 20, cats = unique(dat$reason))
dat |
data frame with population data, such as output from sim_pop_data. Must include a column |
score |
risk scores corresponding to |
group1 |
indices for group 1 |
group2 |
indices for group 2 |
nquant |
number of quantiles of code to use; default 20 |
cats |
vector of strings giving names of admission categories; default the unique values in dat$reason. Can include NAs. |
Generates two matrices with the following specifications: Each matrix corresponds to one group Columns are named with the admission types to be plotted. Any admission types including the string 'Died' are counted as deaths If the matrix has N rows, these are interpreted as corresponding to N score quantiles The (i,j)th entry of the matrix is the number of people admitted for reason i with a score greater than or equal to (j-1)/N and less than (j/N) who are in that group
list with two objects matrix1
and matrix2
giving output matrices
# See vignette
# See vignette
Matrix giving frequency of admission types for various groups at various score thresholds. Row names are of the form vX_Y_qZ, where X is version (3 or 4), Y is cohort (e.g., all, over 65, island postcode) and Z is quantile (1-20) of score. Column names are cause of admission or cause of death.
An object of class data.frame
with 520 rows and 41 columns.
Estimates demographic parity for a risk score (essentially cumulative distribution function)
demographic_parity( scores, group1, group2, cutoffs = seq(min(scores, na.rm = TRUE), max(scores, na.rm = TRUE), length = 100) )
demographic_parity( scores, group1, group2, cutoffs = seq(min(scores, na.rm = TRUE), max(scores, na.rm = TRUE), length = 100) )
scores |
vector of risk scores |
group1 |
indices of group 1 |
group2 |
indices of group 2 |
cutoffs |
score cutoffs at which to estimate DP (default 100 evenly-spaced) |
matrix of dimension length(cutoffs)x4, with (i,2g-1)th entry the proportion of scores in group g which are less than or equal to the ith cutoff value and (i,2g)th entry the approximate standard error of the (i,2g-1)th entry
# See vignette
# See vignette
Draws a simple stock image of a person.
drawperson( xloc = 0, yloc = 0, scale = 1, headsize = 0.16, headangle = pi/8, headloc = 0.5, necklength = 0.1, shoulderwidth = 0.1, shouldersize = 0.05, armlength = 0.4, armangle = 7 * pi/8, armwidth = 0.08, leglength = 0.5, legangle = 9 * pi/10, legwidth = 0.15, torsolength = 0.4, ... )
drawperson( xloc = 0, yloc = 0, scale = 1, headsize = 0.16, headangle = pi/8, headloc = 0.5, necklength = 0.1, shoulderwidth = 0.1, shouldersize = 0.05, armlength = 0.4, armangle = 7 * pi/8, armwidth = 0.08, leglength = 0.5, legangle = 9 * pi/10, legwidth = 0.15, torsolength = 0.4, ... )
xloc |
x-axis offset from origin |
yloc |
y-axis offset from origin |
scale |
scale upwards from 1x1 box |
headsize |
head size |
headangle |
half angle of neck in terms of head |
headloc |
location of centre of head relative to origin with scale 1 |
necklength |
neck length |
shoulderwidth |
shoulder width |
shouldersize |
size radius of arc for shoulder |
armlength |
arm length |
armangle |
angle of arm from horizontal |
armwidth |
width of arm |
leglength |
leg length |
legangle |
angle of leg from horizontal |
legwidth |
width of leg |
torsolength |
length of torso |
... |
other parameters passed to polygon() |
Draws a figure at a particular location. With defaults, has centre at origin and fits in 1x1 box.
Dimensions customisable
invisibly returns co-ordinates
plot(0,xlim=c(-1,1),ylim=c(-1,1),type="n") drawperson(0,0,1,col="yellow",border="red",lwd=3,lty=2)
plot(0,xlim=c(-1,1),ylim=c(-1,1),type="n") drawperson(0,0,1,col="yellow",border="red",lwd=3,lty=2)
Illustrates a proportion as a set of people who are blue rather than red.
drawprop(prop, ci, nxy = 10, col1 = "maroon", col2 = "lightblue", ...)
drawprop(prop, ci, nxy = 10, col1 = "maroon", col2 = "lightblue", ...)
prop |
the proportion to illustrate |
ci |
half the 95% CI width of the proportion. |
nxy |
illustrate on an n x n grid |
col1 |
colour to put the 'in' proportion |
col2 |
the other colour |
... |
passed to 'plot' |
Why anyone would want to think about a proportion this way is beyond the understanding of the authors, but the people have spoken.
No return value, draws a figure
# See vignette
# See vignette
For a given category (e.g., 'male', 'over 65') considers
all admissions for people in that category
all admissions for people in that category for which the SPARRA score was less than some threshold (e.g., false negatives
for_breakdown( decomp_table, group, threshold, inc_died = TRUE, ldiff = 0.005, ci = 0.95, xlimit = c(-0.05, 0.35), ylimit = c(-0.04, 0.04) )
for_breakdown( decomp_table, group, threshold, inc_died = TRUE, ldiff = 0.005, ci = 0.95, xlimit = c(-0.05, 0.35), ylimit = c(-0.04, 0.04) )
decomp_table |
matrix for group; see specification in description |
group |
name of group |
threshold |
cutoff, rounded to nearest 0.05 |
inc_died |
set to TRUE to include a second panel showing 'death' type admissions |
ldiff |
specifically label points this far from xy line |
ci |
set to a value <1 to draw confidence intervals at that value, or FALSE to not draw confidence intervals. |
xlimit |
limits for x axis; default c(-0.05,0.35) |
ylimit |
limits for y axis; default c(-0.04,0.04) |
For each of these groups, we consider the breakdown of medical admission types. We then plot the frequency of admission types in group 1 against the difference in frequencies between group 1 and group 2 (group 2 minus group 1). An admission type which is relatively more common in group (1) indicates that, in the relevant category, the admission type tends to be associated with higher SPARRA scores (and is in a sense easier to predict). Such admission types will correspond to points below the line y=0. Admission types which are relatively more common in group 2 correspond to those which are relatively harder to predict. These correspond to points above the line y=0 Since points are close together, only those greater than a certain distance from 0 are marked.
Takes as an argument a matrix in which The matrix shows only data for the group in question Columns are named with the admission types to be plotted. Any admission types including the string 'Died' are counted as deaths If the matrix has N rows, these are interpreted as corresponding to N score quantiles in increasing order. The (i,j)th entry of the matrix is the number of people admitted for reason i with a score greater than or equal to (j-1)/N and less than (j/N) who are in that group
ggplot figure (invisible)
# See vignette
# See vignette
Produces a set of points for a calibration plot.
getcal( y, ypred, n = 10, kernel = FALSE, kernel_sd = 0.05, alpha = 0.05, c0 = 0, c2 = 0.1 )
getcal( y, ypred, n = 10, kernel = FALSE, kernel_sd = 0.05, alpha = 0.05, c0 = 0, c2 = 0.1 )
y |
class labels, 0/1 or logical |
ypred |
predictions Pr(Y=1), numeric vector |
n |
number of subintervals/points |
kernel |
set to TRUE to use kernel method |
kernel_sd |
kernel width for kernel method; see above |
alpha |
return a pointwise confidence envolope for conservative 1-alpha confidence interval |
c0 |
for computing maximum bias; assume true covariance function is of the form a0+ a1x + a2x^2, with |a0|<c0, |a2|<c2 (c1 does not matter) |
c2 |
for computing maximum bias; assume true covariance function is of the form a0+ a1x + a2x^2, with |a0|<c0, |a2|<c2 (c1 does not matter) |
Uses either a binning method or a kernel method to determine height of points.
In both methods, considers n equally spaced subintervals of (0,1)
a list with components x (expected calibration), y (observed calibration), n (number of samples in bins, if relevant), lower/upper (confidence interval on y)
# See vignette
# See vignette
Comprehensive plotting function for precision-recall curve. Also calculates AUPRC and standard error.
getprc(y, ypred, cv = NULL, res = 100)
getprc(y, ypred, cv = NULL, res = 100)
y |
class labels, 0/1 or logical |
ypred |
predictions Pr(Y=1), numeric vector |
cv |
cross-validation fold assignments, if relevant. Changes estimate of standard error. |
res |
resolution. Returns this many equally-spaced points along the curve. Set res to null to return all points. |
Rather than returning points corresponding to every cutoff, only returns a representative sample of equally-spaced points along the curve.
Does not plot anything. Object can be plotted in a default way.
list containing: ppv, ppv for res points in every cv fold; sens, sensitivity for res points in every cv fold; auc, areas under the curve for each fold and average (note length is 1 greater than number of CV folds); se, standard error for AUC in each fold and standard error for average auc (note length is 1 greater than number of CV folds)
# See vignette
# See vignette
Rather than returning points corresponding to every cutoff, only returns a representative sample of equally-spaced points along the curve.
getroc(y, ypred, cv = NULL, res = 100)
getroc(y, ypred, cv = NULL, res = 100)
y |
class labels, 0/1 or logical |
ypred |
predictions Pr(Y=1), numeric vector |
cv |
cross-validation fold assignments, if relevant. Changes estimate of standard error. |
res |
resolution. Returns this many equally-spaced points along the curve. Set res to null to return all points. |
SE of AUROC with no CV structure is from Hanley and McNeil 1982. SE of AUROC with CV folds is from LeDell et al 2012
Does not plot anything. Object can be plotted in a default way.
list containing: spec, specificity for res points in every cv fold; sens, sensitivity for res points in every cv fold; auc, areas under the curve for each fold and average (note length is 1 greater than number of CV folds); se, standard error for AUC in each fold and standard error for average auc (note length is 1 greater than number of CV folds)
# See vignette
# See vignette
Estimates group fairness metric according to a specification vector of the form
group_fairness( specs, scores, target, group1, group2, cutoffs = seq(min(scores, na.rm = TRUE), max(scores, na.rm = TRUE), length = 100) )
group_fairness( specs, scores, target, group1, group2, cutoffs = seq(min(scores, na.rm = TRUE), max(scores, na.rm = TRUE), length = 100) )
specs |
specification vector; see description |
scores |
vector of risk scores |
target |
vector of values of target (which risk score aims to predict) |
group1 |
indices of group 1 |
group2 |
indices of group 2 |
cutoffs |
score cutoffs at which to estimate metric (default 100 evenly-spaced) |
encoding a probability
A1/A2 are events coded by 1:'score>= cutoff'; 0: 'score<cutoff' and NA: 1/TRUE B1/B2 are events coded by 1:'target=TRUE'; 0: 'target=FALSE' and NA: 1/TRUE C1/C2 are events coded by 1:'group=g'; and NA: 1/TRUE
For example, specs=c(NA,1,NA,0,NA,1) would encode false omission rate:
matrix of dimension length(cutoffs)x4, with (i,2g-1)th entry the relevant fairness metric for group g at the ith cutoff value and (i,2g)th entry the approximate standard error of the (i,2g-1)th entry
# See vignette
# See vignette
groupmetric_2panel Draws plots of a group fairness metric with a second panel underneath
groupmetric_2panel( objs, labels = names(objs), col = 1:length(objs), yrange = NULL, ci_col = col, highlight = NULL, logscale = FALSE, lpos = c(1, 0), yrange_lower = NULL, legend_title = "" )
groupmetric_2panel( objs, labels = names(objs), col = 1:length(objs), yrange = NULL, ci_col = col, highlight = NULL, logscale = FALSE, lpos = c(1, 0), yrange_lower = NULL, legend_title = "" )
objs |
list of fairness objects. Each should contain sub-objects 'x', 'y' and 'ci', which specify x and y values and half-widths of confidence intervals around y. |
labels |
labels to use in legend |
col |
line colours |
yrange |
limit of y axis; defaults to 0,1 |
ci_col |
confidence envelope colours. These will be transparent. |
highlight |
if non-null, draw a point at a particular cutoff |
logscale |
if TRUE, draw with log-scale. |
lpos |
legend position; as accepted by ggplot legend.position |
yrange_lower |
y range for lower plot. If NULL, generates automatically |
legend_title |
title for legend, defaults to nothing |
Silently return ggplot object
# See vignette
# See vignette
integral() Quick form for trapezoidal integration over range of x
integral(x, y = NULL)
integral(x, y = NULL)
x |
x co-ordinates, or nx2 matrix of points |
y |
y co-ordinates |
trapezoidal estimate of integral of the xth value of y over range of x.
Logistic function: 1/(1+exp(-x))
x |
argument |
value of logistic(x)
# Plot x=seq(-5,5,length=1000) plot(x,logistic(x),type="l")
# Plot x=seq(-5,5,length=1000) plot(x,logistic(x),type="l")
Logit function: -log((1/x)-1)
x |
argument |
value of logit(x); na if x is outside (0,1)
# Plot x=seq(0,1,length=100) plot(x,logit(x),type="l") # Logit and logistic are inverses x=seq(-5,5,length=1000) plot(x,logit(logistic(x)),type="l")
# Plot x=seq(0,1,length=100) plot(x,logit(x),type="l") # Logit and logistic are inverses x=seq(-5,5,length=1000) plot(x,logit(logistic(x)),type="l")
Copied from github, "Public-Health-Scotland/phsstyles". Public Health Scotland colour scheme. Internal function.
phs_colours(colourname = NULL, keep_names = FALSE)
phs_colours(colourname = NULL, keep_names = FALSE)
colourname |
name of colour; usually something like phs-blue. If NULL returns all colours. |
keep_names |
keep names of colours in return list. Defaults to false. |
vector of colours, optionally with names.
Plots a bar graph of decomposition of FORP by cause of admission
plot_decomp(decomp1, decomp2, threshold, labels, inc_died = TRUE)
plot_decomp(decomp1, decomp2, threshold, labels, inc_died = TRUE)
decomp1 |
matrix for first group; see specification in description |
decomp2 |
matrix for second group; see specification in description |
threshold |
score threshold to plot (between 0 and 1) |
labels |
labels for group 1 and group 2 |
inc_died |
set to TRUE to include a second panel showing 'death' type admissions |
Takes two matrices as input with the following specifications: Each matrix corresponds to one group Columns are named with the admission types to be plotted. Any admission types including the string 'Died' are counted as deaths If the matrix has N rows, these are interpreted as corresponding to N score quantiles in increasing order. The (i,j)th entry of the matrix is the number of people admitted for reason i with a score greater than or equal to (j-1)/N and less than (j/N) who are in that group
Silently return ggplot object
# See vignette
# See vignette
Plot function for class sparraCAL
## S3 method for class 'sparraCAL' plot( x, cols = rep(phs_colours("phs-blue"), dim(x$sens)[1]), add = FALSE, add_xy_line = TRUE, ... )
## S3 method for class 'sparraCAL' plot( x, cols = rep(phs_colours("phs-blue"), dim(x$sens)[1]), add = FALSE, add_xy_line = TRUE, ... )
x |
output from getcal() |
cols |
colour to draw lines |
add |
set to FALSE to add to existing plot |
add_xy_line |
set to TRUE to draw an X-Y reference line. |
... |
passed to lines() |
No return value, draws a figure
# See vignette
# See vignette
Plot function for class above
## S3 method for class 'sparraPRC' plot( x, addauc = FALSE, cols = rep(phs_colours("phs-blue"), dim(x$sens)[1]), ... )
## S3 method for class 'sparraPRC' plot( x, addauc = FALSE, cols = rep(phs_colours("phs-blue"), dim(x$sens)[1]), ... )
x |
output from getprc() |
addauc |
set to TRUE to add text to the plot showing the (mean) AUC and SE. |
cols |
colour to draw lines |
... |
passed to plot() |
No return value, draws a figure
# See vignette
# See vignette
Plot function for class sparraROC
## S3 method for class 'sparraROC' plot( x, addauc = FALSE, cols = rep(phs_colours("phs-blue"), dim(x$sens)[1]), ... )
## S3 method for class 'sparraROC' plot( x, addauc = FALSE, cols = rep(phs_colours("phs-blue"), dim(x$sens)[1]), ... )
x |
output from getroc() |
addauc |
set to TRUE to add text to the plot showing the (mean) AUC and SE. |
cols |
colour to draw lines |
... |
passed to plot() |
No return value, draws a figure
# See vignette
# See vignette
prc_2panel Draws a PRC curve (with legend) with a second panel underneath showing precision difference.
prc_2panel( prcs, labels = names(prcs), col = 1:length(prcs), highlight = NULL, yrange_lower = NULL, legend_title = "" )
prc_2panel( prcs, labels = names(prcs), col = 1:length(prcs), highlight = NULL, yrange_lower = NULL, legend_title = "" )
prcs |
list of sparraPRC objects. |
labels |
labels to use in legend |
col |
line colours |
highlight |
if non-null, draw a point at a particular cutoff |
yrange_lower |
y range for lower plot. If NULL, generates automatically |
legend_title |
title for legend, defaults to nothing |
Silently return ggplot object
# See vignette
# See vignette
roc_2panel Draws a ROC curve (with legend) with a second panel underneath showing sensitivity difference.
roc_2panel( rocs, labels = names(rocs), col = 1:length(rocs), xy_col = phs_colours("phs-magenta"), highlight = NULL, yrange_lower = NULL, legend_title = "" )
roc_2panel( rocs, labels = names(rocs), col = 1:length(rocs), xy_col = phs_colours("phs-magenta"), highlight = NULL, yrange_lower = NULL, legend_title = "" )
rocs |
list of sparraROC objects |
labels |
labels to use in legend; default to names of rocs. |
col |
line colours |
xy_col |
line colour for x-y line, defaults to red |
highlight |
if non-null, add a point at this cutoff |
yrange_lower |
y range for lower plot. If NULL, generates automatically |
legend_title |
title for legend, defaults to nothing |
Invisibly returns plot as ggplot object
# See vignette
# See vignette
Simulates population data with a reasonably realistic joint distribution
sim_pop_data( npop, coef_adjust = 4, offset = 1, vcor = NULL, coefs = c(2, 1, 0, 5, 3, 0, 0), seed = 12345, incl_id = TRUE, incl_reason = TRUE )
sim_pop_data( npop, coef_adjust = 4, offset = 1, vcor = NULL, coefs = c(2, 1, 0, 5, 3, 0, 0), seed = 12345, incl_id = TRUE, incl_reason = TRUE )
npop |
population size |
coef_adjust |
inverse scale for all (true) coefficients (default 4): lower means that hospital admissions are more predictable from covariates. |
offset |
offset for logistic model (default 1): higher means a lower overall prevalence of admission |
vcor |
a valid 5x5 correlation matrix (default NULL), giving correlation between variables. If 'NULL', values roughly represents realistic data. |
coefs |
coefficients of age, male sex, non-white ethnicity, number of previous admissions, and deprivation decile on hospital admissions, Default (2,1,0,5,3). Divided through by coef_adjust. |
seed |
random seed (default 12345) |
incl_id |
include an ID column (default TRUE) |
incl_reason |
include a column indicating reason for admission. |
Simulates data for a range of people for the variables
Age (age
Sex (sexM
; 1 if male)
Race/ethnicity (raceNW
: 1 if non-white ethnicity)
Number of previous hospital admissions (PrevAdm
Deprivation decile (SIMD
: 1 most deprived, 10 least deprived. NOTE - opposite to English IMD)
Urban-rural residence status (urban_rural
: 1 for rural)
Mainland-island residence status (mainland_island
: 1 for island)
Hospital admission (target
: 1/TRUE if admitted to hospital in year following prediction date)
Can optionally add an ID column.
Optionally includes an admission reason for samples with target=1
. These admission reasons
roughly correspond to the first letters of ICD10 categories, and can either correspond to an
admission or death. Admission reasons are simulated with a non-constant multinomial distribution
which varies across age/sex/ethnicity/urban-rural/mainland-island/PrevAdm values in a randomly-
chosen way. The distributions of admission reasons are not however chosen to reflect real
distributions, nor are systematic changes in commonality of admission types across categories
intended to appear realistic.
data frame with realistic values.
# Simulate data dat=sim_pop_data(10000) cor(dat[,1:7]) # See vignette
# Simulate data dat=sim_pop_data(10000) cor(dat[,1:7]) # See vignette